Everything you need to know about Sylloo accounting
Sylloo Pos is a free and online Pos software designed for small businesses to
their finances and stay on top of their cash flow. Invoicing, accepting online payments and
keeping track of expenses could not be simpler.
Sylloo Pos is built with modern technologies such as Twig, Django, Livewire, Alpine js,
Bootstrap 4,
Completely Free. No setup fees. No hidden charges. Not a free limited version. Free means free.
You get oftware Security and Maintenance full free
You get Software Update full free
You get the benefit of Multi Warehouses
You get the benefit of Multi Users
You are getting the benefit of accounting
Getting the benefit of quotation
You get the benefit of Customer Advance Payments Management.
You get the benefit of Sales & Purchase Invoice & Payments Management.
You get the benefit of Sales & Purchase Return Invoice & Payments Management.
You get the benefit of Customers & Suppliers Management & Import [CSV] feature.
You get the benefit of Customers & Suppliers Payments (Bulk Pay / Receive) Management.
You get the benefit of Items & Service Management & Import [CSV] feature.
You get the benefit of Items Brand & Category Master.
You get the benefit of Print Barcode / Labels.
You get the benefit of Stock Adjustment / Entry.
You get the benefit of Stock Transfer between warehouse (in the same Store).
You get the benefit of Expense Management.
You get the benefit of Convert Quotation to Invoice.
You get the benefit of Users & Users Role Managemet & able to assign warehouse to user.
You get the benefit of Tax & Tax grouping.
You get the benefit of Units Management.
You get the benefit of Item Variant Management.
You are getting the benefit of Payment Types Master.
You get the benefit of Places Management [Country & State].
You get the benefits of SMS API: Twilio API, URL / HTTP based SMS API, SMS Templates.
You are getting the benefit of Currency Master.
You are getting the benefit of Multi Language.
You are getting the benefit of Database Backup facility [Admin].
You are getting the benefit of many reports.
You get the benefit of Sales Tax Report.
You get the benefit of Purchase Tax Report.
You get the benefit of Supplier Items Report.
You get the benefit of Sales Report.
You get the benefit of Sales Return Report.
You get the benefit of Seller Points Report.
You get the benefit of Purchase Report.
You get the benefit of Purchase Return Report.
You get the benefit of Expense Report.
You get the benefit of Profit & Loss Report, Item wise & invoice wise profit Report.
You get the benefit of Stock Report.
You get the benefit of Item Sales Report.
You get the benefit of Purchase Payments Report.
You get the benefit of Sales Payments Report.
You get the benefit of Detailed Documentation Report.
You are getting full Responsive design.
You get full free sub domain.
You get the benefit of custom domain integration.
You get an SSL certificate for free.
You get the benefit of Android App
You can add email address to your pos
You can add SMS Notification to your pos
In addition, you are getting more benefits.
We are ready to serve you all the time
We are ready to serve you all the time